Friday 25 June 2010

The Teacher's tale of Blogging ...

This Blog contains a number of links to Blogs and other sources and are the ways in which I think Blogs have been used in a university programme to enable learning and teaching.

1. Firstly, over to Jess and a short description of her WBL Project to set the scene.
(0.0 – 51 seconds)

2. Google Reader. As a teacher I use this to bring all my students', colleagues' and other external Blogs and content to a single place. That's why a 'reader' is often also termed an 'aggragator'.

3. This is a link to one of my Blog posts and provides an example of how I share resources with my students. Nothing radical here, just a way of ‘teaching’ by providing links to resources.

4. In this example, a colleague delivers a 'content' element of the programme.

5. This is a bit more exciting. here students and staff from anywhere in the world, are commenting to a student assignment. This asynchronous posting of Blog and comments allows students and staff to build a collective understanding in a learning network.

6. In this example, I am providing generic feedback on an assignment by identifying good examples. It may be that there are 5 key points you want to put across in an assignment. Rather than giving individualised feedback (often repeated to individuals) I provide generic feedback linking to specific good examples. This draws students away from 'doing what I tell them' and gets them thinking about what the assignment is asking them to do.

7. Finally, we believe in making learning open so learning tasks can be engaged from anywhere, at anytime (prior to enrolment, after graduation) and that anyone can join the learning community. Anyone who comes across this Blog can engage in learning, or see the quality of thinking the student has engaged in.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Peter, good post i suppose people who haven't completed the feedback questionnaire would find this post very helpful as you have clearly explained why the online learning is so useful.
    I also wanted to know if we are due to get any workbook for our project? If there was a set way we should present it so I/we have an idea of the university contents, or if we are to present it how we wish?

    Thanks Abbi

