Friday 11 October 2013

Feedback on the general qualities of Module 1 Posts

This is likely to be of interest mainly to Module 1 students
I have been reading through the Blog posts today for Module 1. There are lots of good posts, the best of which are really good and set a high standard for all of us to emulate. I’m not going to say precisely who but I have seen excellent examples of:
  • Individuals who have made multiple comments to others and by virtue of their activity, attract lots of comments to their own posts. This means ample and good quality feedback is already flowing to those individuals that will help them develop their ideas and skills;
  • Some good levels of critical thinking in some posts. In particular, individuals who have questioned why they do things in the way they do, and have sought alternatives. Some people have tried to rationalise what they have done. We are about developing high levels of good critical thinking and people are already showing good qualities:
  • People making multiple attempts at tasks. BAPP Arts is about experimenting and then evaluating. We learn from our experiences, so why undertake a task just once? Why not try it different ways and they post on the best way and why you think it works best? Our brains are like muscles, thinking something once will relegate that thought to the dustbin. Keep with a thought and hone it, and it’ll stay with you forever.
Overall I have seen the above qualities evident in peoples’ posts. You could do worst than to go and find examples yourselves.
Well done to all the active BAPP Arts Bloggers!

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