Tuesday 24 September 2013

Developing Professionalism ...

It was great to meet some of the new students on BAPP Arts today. 

We had an opportunity to think about our future discussions and our future careers and how we can use the opportunity afforded by BAPP Arts to think about our developing professional practice.

Today, I took away some ideas ... about independence, critical thinking and self-discovery. These seem to me to underpin professional practice and are attributes that those professionals that we most admire seem to have as innate abilities. They seem confident in what they know; they are comfortable with not knowing; they find different ways to explore and develop their own knowledge and insights; they can work with complexity and they try to think and act ethically. They access and use the capabilities of others and contribute in kind. They can sit back from situations and make sense of them.

The trick is to emulate them and to hone the self-reflective skills and attributes that they demonstrate.


  1. Hi Alan, Glad to hear things are off to a flying start with the new students! I Hope that this year is another successful one for BAPP. Best wishes!
